Agreement is a common concept in everyday life. It is defined as a state of harmony or conformity among individuals or groups of people. In writing, agreement is crucial for coherence and clarity, and it is vital to use the appropriate terms to express agreement accurately. There are other words or phrases which can be used to express agreement apart from « agree. » Below are some examples.

1. Concur

The word « concur » means to agree with someone or something. It is often used to agree with someone`s opinion or point of view. For instance, « I concur with your views on the importance of education. »

2. Assent

« Assent » is another word that can be used to express agreement. It is the act of agreeing to a proposal or request. For example, « I assent to your request for a meeting next week. »

3. Approve

The verb « approve » is used to indicate agreement or acceptance of something. It is often used to express formal agreement, such as in a business or legal setting. For instance, « I approve the proposal for the new project. »

4. Accede

To « accede » means to agree to a request or demand. It is often used in negotiations or diplomatic settings. For example, « The government has acceded to the demands of the protesters. »

5. Grant

« Grant » is used to express agreement or permission for something. For instance, « I grant your request for a leave of absence. »

6. Endorse

To « endorse » something is to express agreement or support for it. It is often used in the political arena. For example, « The senator endorses the candidate`s plan for economic reform. »

7. Support

« Support » is another word that can be used to express agreement or backing for something. It can be used in both formal and informal settings. For example, « I support your decision to pursue a career in medicine. »

8. Conform

To « conform » means to agree with or comply with a set of rules or standards. It is often used in professional and academic settings. For example, « The report must conform to the company`s guidelines. »

9. Harmonize

The verb « harmonize » means to agree or coincide with something. It is often associated with music and is used to describe when different sounds blend together well. For instance, « The choir`s voices harmonize beautifully. »

10. Comply

« Comply » is used to indicate agreement or adherence to rules or regulations. It is used in both formal and informal settings. For example, « Employees are required to comply with the company`s dress code. »

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to express agreement in writing. These include words such as « concur, » « assent, » « approve, » « accede, » « grant, » « endorse, » « support, » « conform, » « harmonize, » and « comply. » It is important to use the appropriate term to express agreement accurately and to avoid repetition. Using different phrases also helps to create variety and interest in your writing.

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